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Posted by Ray Szydzik on

We’ve probably all seen people in restrooms that don’t wash their hands. It may, at that time, have seemed a little unsanitary.  Washing hands now is critical whether at home or not. It is no longer just unsanitary but may be infectious. The COVID-19 virus has seen to that. Awareness of the health value of washing hands may be the only good thing to come out of the virus.

 What would you do if you’ve seen someone not wash their hands in a restroom or in a kitchen at the office or an institution? Confront them?  We don’t suggest that.  Perhaps, as a substitute, discretely place a copy of our PLEASE WASH YOUR HANDS free brochure, subtitled, Why You Should Wash Your Hands as Often as You Can, on their desk or a counter and maybe stacking copies in both restrooms.

By doing that it takes a lot of the “personal” out of the situation.  And, yes, we have FREE copies available for you.  Simply order from MarketNet toll free at 866-400-CLEAN, fax 847-358-6960 or just contact Ray or Jim Stipp at 847-358-8664 or email or with your quantities and shipping information. Please be aware the offer is limited!

The FREE 4-page color brochure stresses the importance of hygienic handwashing before activities and after as well as the procedures used…and MarketNet’s commitment to support good handwashing.

And by the way, here comes the commercial: while you’re requesting the free PLEASE WASH YOUR HANDS brochure, we have an inventory of  items such as lotion and antibacterial soap refills, sensor-operated and manual soap dispensers and the ever-popular toilet paper holders. Just visit for a complete listing.

Viruses will always be with us and we’re there to help combat them for the future.





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